David Windecher, Craig Williams & Emily Rowell (Host)
David Windecher, The Windecher Firm, Author of “The American Dream : HisStory in the Making” and Former Guest on Atlanta Legal Experts Appears on New CBS Reality T.V. Show – Hunted
About Hunted
Hunted follows nine teams of two in a real-life manhunt as they attempt the nearly impossible task of disappearing in today’s vast digital world as highly skilled investigators combine state-of-the-art tracking methods with traditional tactics to pursue and catch them. From searching their targets’ homes and scouring their internet and cell phone histories, to identifying behavioral patterns, Hunters in the field and Command Center investigators work together to identify clues to potential hiding places and collaborators that can ultimately lead to capture. Will the anxiety of being fugitives on the run cause teams to make a critical error, or will they be able to stay off the grid long enough to avoid being found within 100,000 square miles of the southeastern United States? A grand prize of $250,000 will be awarded to each team that successfully evades being caught for up to 28 days.
David Windecher grew up impoverished in the streets of Miami. Surrounded by rampant crime and little opportunity, David chose a life of vice and violence out of desperation.
David was first arrested at age eleven. Over the following eight years, David was further seduced by a dark street life racked with violence, drugs and money. What started as desperate measures to feed his family of six turned into a criminal lifestyle. Windecher joined a gang, sold dope, built and masterminded a crime ring and was arrested 13 times.
David Lee Windecher risked his life and the lives of his family to leave the gang. He beat the self-imposed negative cycle of street life through sheer will and commitment to be better. He vanquished self-doubt and conquered his deep fears of fitting in at school to pursue an education.
In 2005, David graduated summa cum laude from college and proceeded to graduate from John Marshall Law School in Atlanta. On May 25, 2014, David Lee Windecher took the Oath of Attorney in the very same court room he had appeared fifteen years earlier in handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit. He is now a licensed attorney in both Georgia and Florida.
David has chronicled his transformation from defendant to defense attorney in a compelling new book entitled “The AmerIcan Dream – HisStory in the Making.” David wrote this book to detail the challenges facing kids and teens growing up in poverty and in tough neighborhoods. His book is now serving as required reading in Atlanta metro area court ordered rehabilitation programs.
David also mentors non-violent teen offenders in the Atlanta metro area. He is the founder of RED, Inc. (Rehabilitation Enables Dreams), a non-profit organization which sponsors GED programs for young juveniles facing non-violent criminal charges and capable of rehabilitation through an education. RED, Inc.’s mission is to decrease recidivism and increase literacy among America’s youth.
David is the recipient of the Martindale-Hubbell Client Distinction award in both 2013 and 2014. David is also the recipient of the “40 Under 40” Award by both Georgia Trend Magazine and the Atlanta Business Chronicle.David Windecher is a business owner, HLN Legal Analyst and motivational speaker. Windecher speaks passionately about rehabilitation of youthful offenders, the “ban the box” initiative and solving America’s gang problem.
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Peachtree Offices
404-250-3200 [email protected]